Celebrating America’s Quarter Millennial

YEAR250 is featuring the artwork of H.E. Taylor Reed Branson, a photographer working to document the semiquincentennial anniversary of our great Nation.


Meet the Artist

Artist, lecturer, consultant Taylor Reed Branson is using the vision of his art to narrate this story. One month into 2024, this fine art photographer and portraitist has photographed both President Biden and Maestro Andrea Bocelli. Year250 is an opportunity to introduce his timeless imagery and document America for future generations.

The United States has played a pivotal role in world history.

This project endeavors to honor the unique qualities that make this country great by highlighting visual expressions of our history and their contributions to the present.

Through the split-second shutter of a camera’s lens,

a story of American Life is woven in chromatic and monochrome photographic art showing the very best of what our society has become and inspiring a creative and innovative future ahead.

See the Art



Originally a British Colony, Williamsburg has remained preserved for over 3 centuries.


Harpers Ferry

A city where the abolitionist movement was originated, Harpers Ferry has long contributed to American History.


Portraits of History

Portrait series representing every era of America, these portraits show the face of history.


Over two and a half short centuries, America has accomplished more than many nations significantly older, in part by emphasizing the individual’s potential to impact the collective.

Singularly American is this delicate balance between prospering communities and growth of their citizens through a unique expression of individual liberty. 


Learn More about the exhibition

An artistic documentation of America at its 250 Year Anniversary. The goal is to photograph communities representing each region of the United States.

In the smaller community scaled projects, between 50-100 finished photographs will be compiled. The National Exhibition and Book will select from these and include hundreds of images.

Through our Non-Profit partner acting as a financial agent for the project. Contributions can be tax deductible.

The plan is for the entire project to be exhibited through 2026, the 250 year celebration.

Year250 is meant to be a non-partisan view of our nation without a political agenda.

Taylor Reed Breanson has been an artist for over 25 years. Completing numerous International Scaled Projects.

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